The May 2022 Snap Shots features author Philip Pressel’s May 1st Zoom meeting presentation on the formerly top-secret Hexagon KH-9 spy satellite’s stereo cameras. Also — more cameras: the Kodak 3A Folding Pocket for postcards, and a 130-year-old wood bellows camera serving as a coffee table. Exhibits: Wellesley’s Davis Museum has three photography exhibits ending June 5th; the Griffin Museum features work by four photographers also ending June 5th. The non-profit New England Camera Club Council (NECCC) 75th conference is scheduled for July at UMass Amherst. A letter published in Snap Shots recounts how a PHSNE YouTube Zoom video re-connected the letter writer’s portrait to the photographer who took the photograph, Steve Dunwell.
(above) At the Griffin Museum: Untitled #4, Philip Sager (c) 2017
What the heck…
Are Those Even Cameras?!
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