- LIVE on ZOOM: PHSNE Meeting Sunday, Feb 5, 2023 at 7:30PM EST — Tenax Expert Wes Loder will explain this unusual Zeiss Ikon camera. Sign Up Here to join the meeting.
- Camera of the Month: The Boston-born Blair Combination Camera (1882-1894) and its tenacious founder, Thomas Henry Blair.
- ICYMI: University of California Riverside (UCR) hosted a December conference on “camera-centered histories of photography.” Look for links to the Zoom presentations in the February 2023 snap shots. The school is also home to the California Museum of Photography’s 10,000+ camera collection.
- Historic New England is showcasing its sizable collection of photographs and related items, now with online search tools.
- A $5 Leica? Or two? It’s possible to find them, if you’re lucky. However, in England a classic 19th-century horse-drawn fixer-upper mobile photo studio drew no bids despite its historic character. Care to make a bid?
- Don’t forget: PHSNE’s Photographica 90 is Saturday, April 22, 2023 at Newton North High School. Save the Date!
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What the heck…
Are Those Even Cameras?!
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