Heyday of Spirit Photography

Heyday of Spirit Photography

The rise of the spiritualist movement fueled the popularity of spirit photography in the 19th century. These ghostly images were usually produced through creative use of multiple exposure.

Image from Comrade Sisters: Women of the Black Panther Party

MFA Boston Exhibit Features Women of the Black Panther Party

Stephen Shames has been the official photographer of the Black Panther Party since his student days at the University of California, Berkeley. Twenty-seven are on display at the Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts in an exhibit titled Comrade Sisters: Women of the Black Panther Party. Plus, more exhibits ending soon.

In Search of Information About Curtis Prints

In Search of Information About Curtis Prints

PHSNE recently received the following inquiry: “I have two Edward Sheriff Curtis prints (1998) that were sold through the auspices of PHSNE with a note indicating the original sale signed…

100 Years of 16mm Film—With Safety First

100 Years of 16mm Film—With Safety First

Home Movies: A History of the American Industry 1897-1979, by Alan Kettelle This year marks the 100th anniversary (July 5, 1923) of 16mm movies. The most significant features of the CineKodak 16mm system were safety film and B&W reversal film.

What’s Happening With Film?

What’s Happening With Film?

“It is the worst of times; it is the best of times,” said the hapless photographer searching for the right color film he could use to shoot at Photographica 90….

Outside and inside BE-PS in Pikesville.m MD

Who wants those Kodaks sitting on the shelf?

Even the most hardened photographers can be sentimental. Johnny Martyr, a mid-Atlantic Coast film photographer, crafted this paean to a small camera repair shop, Baltimore Photo-Electronic Services, in Pikesville, MD….