Snap Shots December 2022 newsletter is here
- LIVE ON ZOOM: PHSNE Annual Meeting and Holiday Show & Tell Sunday, December 4, 2022. Annual Meeting at 7:00PM EST; Show & Tell at 7:30PM Sign Up Here to attend the meeting.
- Donations received and distributed to schools and organizations are part of PHSNE’s mission
- Power and Perspective: Early Photography in China on view at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem MA through April 2, 2023
- Acknowledging the passing of two long-time PHSNE members: Dan Jones and Paul Nisula
- The Meopta Flexaret Automat 6×6 TLR is the Camera of the Month
- Midcentury Manhattan: Mapping Anthony Angel’s photographic journey through Midtown Manhattan and Beyond offers an interesting merger of documentary photographs and mapping technology
- It Started with Muybridge, a 1964 film produced by the U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, is now unclassified, in the public domain, and available online
- Harry Benson: Four Stories is on view at the Addison Gallery at Phillips Andover in Andover through January 29, 2023. Also at the Addison: Rosamond Purcell’s Nature Stands Aside, closing Friday, December 30, 2022
View or download Snap Shots for more details and links.
What the heck…

Are Those Even Cameras?!
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