Celebrating PHSNE’s 51st Anniversary & Photographica 91
What is Photographica? Why would I want to attend?
Here’s the What:
Photographica is a one-day buy-and-sell event that includes every aspect of analog photography: cameras, daguerreotypes, lenses, cdv & cabinet prints, darkroom equipment, photo postcards, books & magazines, snapshots, accessories, ephemera—you name it. This year starts PHSNE’s second half-century — and who knows what will happen next? This year’s Photographica 91 will be the largest so far, with dealers and buyers from New England, the Atlantic coast and the Midwest. There’s nothing like it anywhere else.
Here’s the Why:
Back in the day, Photographica was a traditional hobby trade show. It has evolved into something Show Manager John Dockery refers to as “a yearly Photographic Woodstock/SxSW/Coachella Festival (but inside, with restrooms) where everything photographic can be found.” Photographica is a hands-on experience for photographers, collectors, and the curious; you can ask questions, pick up and hold the analog camera of your dreams, and more. Lots more.
It’s a place to learn about, explore, and share information on every aspect of analog, and digital, photography. Attendees are curious, interested in learning about the tools, processes, and images created using analog or a combination of digital and analog methods. It’s also a great place to find deals on equipment, images, books, and more.
Photographica began in 1973; 51 years and 91 shows later, the reason people attend remains the same: the range of items, selection, and pricing are without equal anywhere. If you care about cameras and images, you’ll find people like yourself who share your interests. If you want to learn more, fill out an email sign-up, or better yet, join PHSNE!
Where & When does this happen?
This year the 2024 Photographica 91 happens on Saturday, April 20, at Newton North High School (NNHS), 457 Walnut St. in Newton, MA. Doors open for Early Birds at 7:00 AM ($20); general admission starts at 9:00 AM ($5); PHSNE members, students, photography instructors, and active military (please bring your IDs) enter FREE. Yes, FREE!
Dealer tables close at 4:00 PM; the PHSNE Auction Preview starts at 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM. The PHSNE Auction bidding begins at 4:30 PM and continues until all lots (80-100) are sold. You can download this year’s auction list here.
How do I get there?
Driving: The Mass Pike/I-90 has east- and west-bound offramps at Newton Corner. Once off the ‘Pike, head west on Washington St. for about a mile (follow signs to Newtonville); at the intersection of Washington & Walnut streets, turn left. Newton North High School is about 1/3 mile on the right; turn in and head for the parking lot. Here’s a simple map:
How much does it cost to park? Nothing.
How big is the free parking lot? Huge.
Is public transit available? Yes.
The MBTA commuter rail (Worcester Line) has a Saturday schedule. Newtonville is a flag stop and NOT handicapped-accessible. Tell the conductor ahead of time you want to get off at the Newtonville stop. Once on the platform, walk west and climb the stairway, then walk 1/3 mile south on Walnut St. to NNHS on the right (west) side of Walnut St. Trains in either direction run about every two hours. Check the schedules online ahead of time.
Two bus routes have Saturday schedules, check departure times online or use one of the mobile MBTA bus apps. Route 59 runs outbound between Watertown Square and Needham Junction. It’s a 7-10 minute trip from Watertown Terminal to the Walnut and Clyde St. stop in front of NNHS. Route 553 runs between Roberts (Brandeis University) and Newton Corner and stops at the intersection of Washington and Walnut streets. It’s a 1/3 mile walk south on Walnut to NNHS.
What happens at Photographica?
Photographica is a show for photographic items only. People come to look, learn, buy, sell, and trade camera equipment, images, and ephemera related to photography. It’s not a flea market, so if you’re searching for a violin, a rattan chair, or an old flat iron, they’re not at Photographica.
Who’s attending?
Last year we had over 450 attendees; this year we are expecting over 500. They come in all ages, stages, and sizes; all are welcome. The show can be busy and crowded, please be courteous and kind—Photographica should be fun.
How many tables?
100 tables; 600 linear feet combined—two football fields.
What’s on the 100 tables?
Any cameras, photographs, lenses, books on photography, accessories, or any other items related to photography ever created could be on a table. An attendee once asked Show Manager John Dockery: “Will there be any Rolleiflexes at Photographica for me to look at?” His response was: “How many dozens would you like to see?”
For example:
- 35mm? Of course!
- Medium format? We’ll have them all.
- Leicas? Absolutely.
- Photo images? At least 10 tables worth.
- Large format? Speed Graphics, Crown Graphics, 4×5, 5×7, 8×10 and larger. You can bet on it.
- Antique and collectible cameras? Yes.
- Brass lenses and red bellows? There will be some there.
- Old box cameras that I can use to make pinhole cameras for practically nothing? Hundreds of them.
- Photography books? How-to as well as artists’ monographs? No problem.
- Alternative photographic processes? Got it covered.
- Digital? There will be some digital cameras and other electronic items. It’s not the focus of the show, however.
While everyone carrying a cell phone has a built-in camera, that disposable cell phone camera is no match for a Leica, Canon, Nikon, Rolleiflex, Speed Graphic, Linhof, 1920s folding camera, or earlier cameras that were wooden works of art which created beautiful large-format photographs. You can find all of them here.
Who’s behind those tables?
We have an assortment of amazing show dealers who are very knowledgeable, have been at this for a long time, and come from all over the US and other countries. Many are acknowledged authorities on the items they sell and stand behind them. They can show you, teach you, and answer your questions. We got rid of the jerk dealers decades ago.
How do I pay for things?
Bring a supply of cash money; you’ll be glad you did. There are no ATMs onsite, but there are some in the neighborhood. Dealers prefer cash. There is WiFi available at NNHS, and some dealers may be using online payment systems. The PHSNE Dollar Table is strictly cash.
Is there an admission charge?
Yes. General admission at 9:00 AM is a whopping $5.00. The same price it’s been for most of the past 90 shows. No inflation here. If you want to be an Early Bird (7:00 AM), admission will cost $20.
What about free admission?
Yes. Students with an in-date ID from high schools, colleges or graduate schools are FREE. Teachers of photography classes (with ID) are FREE. Active military are FREE with ID. PHSNE members are FREE.
What’s PHSNE?
PHSNE is the acronym for the Waltham-based Photographic Historical Society of New England, Inc. which began in 1973. PHSNE is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational society which sponsors Photographica. Check out the PHSNE website at phsne.org for more information about PHSNE’s meetings, publications, field trips, and updates on Photographica and the PHSNE Auction. When you get to Photographica, you might want to join PHSNE ($25 for the first year) and get in free.
Food onsite?
The show is in the school’s cafeteria and there are vending machines available. There are lots of eateries within walking distance. Your attendee ticket is good for re-admittance to the show. Once refreshed, better get back to the show for more specialized training and equipment gathering.
We’ll have the usual day-long complimentary coffee. Is it Starbucks? No, but it’s better than most donut shops. Plus, there will be complimentary cake and ice cream until it runs out. Serving begins around 1:00 PM as always. Yes, there is a Starbucks within walking distance.
What’s the Dollar Table? I hear it’s special and shouldn’t be missed?
Imagine piles of photographic items heaped on top of the tables—a kind of rummage sale; then imagine a somewhat refined and dignified rugby scrum at those tables. All items are $1.00. It starts at 11:00 AM. Play nice in the rugby scrum, and remember to share, people!
NEW THIS YEAR: The Henry Weisenberger Memorial Collection
There will be a special group of tables with items for sale from PHSNE Charter Member Henry Weisenberger’s sizable collection of everything photographic. Don’t miss it! Click here to download a list of items that will be available on those tables.
Is there going to be an auction after the show ends at 4:00 PM?
Yes. The PHSNE Auctions started in 1973 and are still going strong. About 80-100 photo-related lots will begin the bidding at 4:30 PM, and will finish when all lots are sold or passed. The list of items to be auctioned is available for download here.
Can attendees bring items to sell at Photographica?
Yes. But there are rules. See below:
- You must be able to carry the items in with you.
- The items for sale must be photo items.
- You are allowed to ask dealers only if they are interested in buying the cameras that Uncle Hermie and Aunt Bee left you.
- You cannot approach other attendees.
- You cannot act like a clown or be a pain to anyone.
Who should come to Photographica?
- Anyone who knows the smell of photographic fixer in the morning, or would like to find out what photographic fixer smells like in the morning.
- Anyone who likes photography.
- Anyone who likes images.
- Anyone who likes history.
- We don’t care who you are. If you want to learn more about photography, you’re okay with us.
Who shouldn’t come to Photographica?
- Anyone who’s in a big rush to see and learn everything there is to know about photography in an hour. If you’re into this, you’re probably going to spend a long time at Photographica. Plan on spending most of the day.
- Anyone who doesn’t play nice with others.
- There will be security guards in uniforms and plainclothes keeping an eye on everything. Don’t try it.
Health Concerns
- Will masks be mandated? Not unless the city of Newton, the state of Massachusetts, or the CDC changes the current rules.
- Can I wear a mask? Yes. You can wear a bubble suit; it’s up to you.
- The school is fully accessible.
A Final Comment
Photographica is fun! Really. There are so many things to see, discover, touch (with permission), and learn about. The Dollar Table chaos is fun to watch; the ice cream and cake is a break for everyone, and the PHSNE Auction offers both high and low humor and bids, along with some really great deals.
Join us on April 20th at Newton North High School, and be amazed!
Our Slogan: PHOTOGRAPHICA – Go for the Deals – Stay for the People
What the heck…

Are Those Even Cameras?!
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